The Vitruvian

The Vitruvian is an up-and-coming speakeasy serving patrons across Toronto who appreciate their cocktails and classics crafted to perfection. Gatherings at The Vitruvian begin at the hour of five, and access is only granted to patrons who can find the secret password on the speakeasy’s Instagram account. Patrons who cross through the heavy oak doors at The Vitruvian are whisked away to a night of olfactory delights precision-crafted by the attending bar artisans. The challenge for this self-initiated project was to visually illustrate The Vitruvian’s commitment to polishing the craft of a perfectly crafted cocktail across the speakeasy’s visual brand.

Completed: 2024

Deliverables: Visual brand identity, signage, packaging

Softwares: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

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